Code: BA3903
My Cool Kitchen : A Style Guide to Unique and Inspirational Kitchens
By:Field-Lewis, Jane
Publisher:Pavilion Books
Imprint:Pavilion Books
ISBN/EAN:1909108790 / 9781909108790
Pagination:160 pages, Full colour throughout
Dimensions:196 x 231 mm
Country of Pub.:United Kingdom
Pub Date:25/09/2014
Be inspired to create your own affordable, super-stylish kitchen, which will become the heart of your home. Nowadays, kitchens serve as the hub of the house and family life, where everyone gathers to talk and to share food, friendship and love.The kitchen of your dreams isn't always the instant model found in an upmarket designer catalogue; it's often the result of a creative journey, touched by the familiar objects, colours, materials and textures you love and which make you feel happy. The high-quality photography reflects the personality of each featured kitchen, the owner's lifestyle and the style of cooking.
My Cool Kitchen : A Style Guide to Unique and Inspirational Kitchens
By:Field-Lewis, Jane
Publisher:Pavilion Books
Imprint:Pavilion Books
ISBN/EAN:1909108790 / 9781909108790
Pagination:160 pages, Full colour throughout
Dimensions:196 x 231 mm
Country of Pub.:United Kingdom
Pub Date:25/09/2014
Be inspired to create your own affordable, super-stylish kitchen, which will become the heart of your home. Nowadays, kitchens serve as the hub of the house and family life, where everyone gathers to talk and to share food, friendship and love.The kitchen of your dreams isn't always the instant model found in an upmarket designer catalogue; it's often the result of a creative journey, touched by the familiar objects, colours, materials and textures you love and which make you feel happy. The high-quality photography reflects the personality of each featured kitchen, the owner's lifestyle and the style of cooking.